will find the finances and the funds to be able to do whatever it is that you need to do and that your body needs you to do. Okay. But really focus on the things that you can do yourself. Go back to those things that I mentioned in the beginning about emotional healing, a lot of your healing processes, emotional, you know, I mean, it's been proven that lots of breast cancer comes from people who you have poor relationships with their mother.
It's like mommy issues, if you will, not to, you know, minimize the effect of that. But, but really like people who have bad relationships with their mother or have issues with any kind of issue with their mother, lots of times get breast cancer. So, I mean, this is like, these are things that Western medicine and, and people don't want to talk about. That's the important stuff is that our body holds onto this stuff. You guys, and back to body code. Let me give you an example about body code. It's so interesting. One of the body code sessions I did, my practitioner said, it looks like you have physical trauma in your stomach. And I was like, interesting, physical traumas. She goes, yes. And it's from about age 12. And I was like, age 12, physical trauma, my stomach. And I'm like, oh my God, I got beat up when I was 12 and punched in the stomach, like multiple times by this girl.
And I, my body was holding onto that trauma and she released it. That's just one small example. I mean, I've had tons of body code sessions. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that comes out, all of it. And you know, like in, when I was age 15, I had like, that was the year my parents went through a divorce. Like it was really, really, really hard for me. And she pulled out so much sadness and frustration and anger from age 15, like, so, so, so much like a whole session was like on age 15. It was so interesting, but this is healed me so much. Right. So just what I'm trying to say is, and I know that this podcast has already been too long, so I'm going to wrap it up, but I don't want you to be limited by money concerns, get rid of your money blocks, focus on the things that you can focus on.
Take my course. It's a great place to start. And yeah. I mean, if you have any questions about this, please just send me a DM on social media. I would be more than happy to help anyone that has questions or lead you in the right direction. I just, I really want people to find healing and more joy and happiness in their life. That's why I'm doing this. I have come. So, so, so, so, so far. And I just, you know, I can't speak highly enough about the importance of healing, the importance of healing, no matter who you are, no matter what you're going through. So I love you guys. Thanks for sticking this one out to the end, and I will catch you on the next episode.
Thank you so much for tuning in today. If you made it to the end of this podcast, there's a really good chance. You are on a mission to heal your mind and your body. Did you know that healing, your body truly starts with healing your emotions? So I am living proof of this because as a result of doing some really deep work on my trauma, my mindset, my thought patterns, diet, relationships, energy, and so much more. I was able to get completely off of dialysis and cancel a kidney transplant. Now, I know I've said this a million times, but I am telling you, I no longer suffer with overwhelming stress and anxiety on a regular basis. And it used to play me. The work I've done has created a complete 180 in my life. And so who would I be if I didn't share this with others and how I was able to make such dramatic shifts for myself, that's why I put together the break free from stress and anxiety course, which takes you through the step-by-step process.