Episode 26 – Rewriting Your Reality with Lauren Of Love

Some conversations have the ability to completely change your life.

That was the case for me in this podcast interview with Lauren Love.

Lauren is a spiritual teacher and self-healing guide for women looking to rewrite their reality.

Like many of us, she has experienced extreme hardship around things such as physical health, mental illness, financial destruction, relationship abuse and much more.

After a spiritual awakening and a few years of growth, Lauren finally answered the loud calling to become a spiritual leader and I’m so grateful she did!

Her energy and her teachings are changing the world.

Some of what we talk about in this episode:

  • Spiritual studies

  • Birthing new identities

  • Her HEAL program

  • Surrender

  • Putting ourselves first

  • Trusting our knowing

  • Limiting beliefs around needing to “fix”

  • Plant medicine

This episode will undoubtedly touch your soul. 

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Freedom In 5 FormulaYour guide to stress & anxiety relief in 5 minutes or less!

Lauren Of Love


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Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

Episode Transcript

Welcome to the My Inner Tiger Podcast. I'm your host, Sidney DeCamella. I'm also a wife, mother, Master Life Coach, Course Creator and Spiritual Sherpa. Over the past few years, I have overcome extreme anxiety, depression, addiction, infertility, and chronic illness. And as a result, I've made it my life's mission to teach other women like you that no matter what battle you're up against, you have an Inner Tiger, a power within, to create and manifest whatever your heart desires. If you are tired of being a victim and ready to be the boss of your life, you have come to the right place. Each episode, I'm going to share tools, teachings, and techniques I have used and taught countless other women so that together we can create a life beyond our wildest dreams. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your Inner Tiger is just waiting to be unleashed. I'm so happy you've tuned in. Let's get started. Sidney: Hello, beautiful souls. And welcome back to the My Inner Tiger podcast. I am beyond <laugh> beyond excited about today's guest. We have been trying to schedule this for a couple months now, I think. And I have with me today, Lauren of love that's name on Instagram, which is where I originally found her <laugh>. A friend of mine forwarded a post to me and was like, you need to follow this girl. And so I started following her and I just absolutely fell in love with her. I feel like I resonate with her on so many levels, spiritually am, emotionally just, you know, our, our history and our life sort of, we have some similar, similar experiences we've gone through similar challenges. And so I reached out to her just soon after I found her and said, would you please be on my podcast because I need your energy in my <laugh> basically. And so I'm gonna have Lauren actually tell you her story because I will butcher it. And she's just so good at speaking in general. So I'm just gonna let her do the honors of telling everyone who she is and what she is. And yeah. So Lauren, thank you so much for being here. Lauren: Thank you so much for having me. You said the name of the podcast and I just got full body chills. The inner tiger. Oh my gosh. So beautiful. Sidney: This, let me really quickly tell you how I can make him up with that name because it's really cool. In the hospital, in the ICU, when I was in kidney failure, just after giving birth, I had this, this energy came over me like this, I mean, I couldn't move my body, mind you. I had 50 pounds of fluid on me. I could not roll over. I couldn't do anything. And all of a sudden this energy just came over me, this fierceness, like, like this beast energy. Right. And I literally growed, I growed <laugh> out loud or like roared or something. It wasn't, my girl was more of a, and just like, ah, you know, came out and was shaking and it was so powerful. I wanted to remember it. I took a selfie. So I will never forget the feeling. And so and coming up with the name for this podcast talking to my marketing girl, the, we basically, I told her that story and she was like, well, <laugh>, there you go. That is a powerful story. So that's how we came up with minor tigers. So I just wanna share that with you <laugh> Lauren: I love it. You know, it's so funny. This weekend I was at a ceremony and I sang a song that I've written and there's a line in there about the tiger. So it's just so cool, like, that was just this weekend. And now we're here talking on this platform. That's all in honor of that wild empowered roar, you know, that it just feels really good and synchronistic to be here today. So thank you for doing this work. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> Sidney: Yes. So tell us a little bit about who you are, Lauren. Lauren: So I'm a human, Hey, what's up just like everybody else, you know I am a spiritual teacher, a self healer guide for women who are on that path of trying to rewrite their reality in some way, shape or form. I think for, you know, so many women, there's this real awareness of the life they have and the desire to have something different, whether that is in the dynamics of their relationships or in the dynamics of their health or their financial reality. And you know, for so long, I was really on this path of living life. The way that I was conditioned to believe was important, you know, going to school, getting a great job, getting the white picket fence, getting the house and the family and, you know, doing all of these things that I didn't really understand or have the clarity on why these things were desired. Lauren: It was just because this is what you are taught to do, right. Get a great job and, you know, make sure you have a 401k and health insurance and all these things that are like, you know, societal priorities. And I did all of that and realized that I wasn't actually fulfilled. I wasn't following my own joy. I was working as a TV producer for CBS news, feeling like, you know, on paper, I had this really successful career and everybody was impressed by the famous people I got to interview or the type of work I got to do every day. The fact that my creativity was seen on television, but really ultimately I had this deeper longing to do more mission based work. I wanted to help people with my ability to, to tell stories and to share my life experiences and what I had been through. Lauren: And I had been through so much, you know, like I think a lot of women in their years of becoming the empowered woman, you know, we, we faced these challenges and these obstacles. And I had been through a lot of mental illness throughout my young teenage years into adulthood. A lot of financial hardship relationship abuse. And I just realized that all of these things that I had been through were really meant to be shared and to help other women overcome things that they were going through in their life. So I took a big leap. I quit my job. This was back in 2015 after I had had a very deep spiritual awakening in Sedona. I didn't understand that that's what it was, but it was like, full awake and just took massive action and created an online platform. And then like pro probably I would say after, you know, three years or so, I was chasing again, kind of the same programming from corporate life, which was very significantly driven, you know, to make a lot of money. Lauren: So people see you as successful and you made $30,000 this month. Okay. Now do 80 and now do a hundred. And it was just this push to always be achieving, to feel successful. And, I had this really aggressive masculine drive. And I noticed that I started to experience these health challenges that were coming up. I went through a really, really big dark night, probably about three or two and a half years ago where my body just started to deteriorate. And I was unable to walk, was unable to drive and had this skin on fire rash that just plagued me. And I felt like no amount of money was ever going to satisfy or heal this like the wounding that I was experiencing with them myself. And I realized I needed to go on a very deep healing journey. So I abandoned the business structure that I had at the time. Lauren: Took another big leap and went deep into my spiritual study, went deep into my connection with source and plant medicine and our work and birthed really this new entity or this new identity within myself founded the heal program. And has really been on this path of recognizing that what we actually really want for ourselves is true happiness and fulfillment, you know, peace. It's not about the accomplishments or the things that we get to say we have achieved. It's really about wholeness within ourselves. And so it's really what I stand for today is that identity of being at home with who you are and being in a place where we have true power to rewrite anything that is a struggle for us. And that's the work I get to do with women today. And it's such an honor. Wow. <laugh>, Sidney: That's so beautiful. Oh, I love it. So I wanna dive a little bit deeper into some stuff. So you were, so let's talk, so okay. Back it up to where you were, not the fir not the CBS job, but the next build your own career, you know, were very money driven focus. Right. At what point did you start to recognize that something really wasn't wrong? Was it just like your physical illness or were you unhappy like, Lauren: Yeah, I think it was kind of a combination of all of, all of it, like so, so just to give you the background I was running at the time, you know, I started my career with personal development focused work, and I'm very much a Capricorn. I have five planets in Capricorn. I am. So the business achievement task oriented type of energy that runs through me is really strong. And after I built a really successful multiple six figure brand and personal development, people started to come to me and say, Hey, teach me how to grow my business, teach. You've done this, how do I do this? And so I followed that, that money. And I made this decision to build a whole brand of just focusing on business development. And I started to recognize that this was really unfulfilling to me because I was attracting a lot of women in who felt like money was the answer that, you know, they had dysfunctional marriages and they would be so obsessed with making enough money, but they were also petrified of leaving their marriages. Lauren: And so they would self sabotage and prevent themselves from achieving success because they weren't looking at their core wounds and things like this would happen over and over again, where women were just thinking that money was the solution. And that was a mirror for how I was showing up in my life. I thought money was just the solution, you know? So back in like 2000, gosh, we're in 2021, it was probably 2018. I went and facilitated my very first in person retreat. It was called the unleash retreat. And this spirit, this energy came through me and how I was facilitating. And one of my employees who was there, she said, Lauren, you're not a business coach. You are a spiritual teacher. And I said, no, <laugh> I like, I remember, you know, and I think this is, this is so true for so many people, like the biggest open, we see an open door of possibility for something really great that we can step into. Lauren: And our first reaction is to completely reject it. We're like, no, like that's crazy. I can't do that. And so that's kind of where it all started for me because I had this, knowing that following that path and being of service in that way, felt really scary, felt uncomfortable, felt outside of my abilities felt really very, very scary, you know, to step into such a responsible, such an element of responsibility. And I think that for me, and I often see this within clients, it's like the resistance of what you know is actually what's meant for your soul. And we reject it and we push it away. This is when the universe starts to get like, almost aggressive with us, right? Like, Hey, listen, are you listening? Right? Like, this is for you, like put your big girl pants on and do this. Lauren: And so when I resisted that's kind of where everything started for me. And it was at the same time that I was being invited into the study of plant medicine. And I was getting curious about that as well. And you know, so it was, it was kind of this unfolding over the next year or so after that point where my physical health was deteriorating, my lack of fulfillment was starting to grow my awareness around, you know, what I had built and how it wasn't really serving me anymore. It was all accumulating. And it's like you know, there's that saying, first, the universe sends you a feather as, as a sign, you ignore it. Then it sends you a brick and it throws it at you and ignores it. Then it sends you a Mac truck, you know, and it just keeps hitting you. Lauren: And yeah, I just kept resisting and resisting and getting sicker and sicker. And then finally I just decided it was time to surrender and go into that path and have not looked back since surrender is one of my favorite words. Yeah. The heart. One of the hardest too. Yes. The hardest. What was your surrendering process like? Whew, what was my surrendering process like? Well, you know, I, I think for me it got to a point where I felt like I really didn't have a choice. Like I think that in the beginning it was, I was surrendering to the ideas first. I would not welcome any of it, you know, I would resist and push away, but then the voices kind of got louder and I started to entertain. Okay, well, like what would this look like if I did do this? Lauren: And I started to think about the possibilities and surrendering. I think the biggest part of it was abandoning my need to feel safe, you know, and, and really detaching from the idea that what I had built and what I had become was all there to be permanent. You know, I think sometimes we reach this level of satisfaction or this level of achievement in some way. And we get there and we're like, oh, it's safe here. I am. I know this to be true. This is, this is who I am. This is what I do. This is what I look like. But surrendering is really being able to say, yes, that's true. And there maybe is this other thing coming, and can I be open to it? And can I receive it? Surrendering for me, looked like leaving my life. I was living here in Connecticut and was really sick and made the decision to go to Sedona for seven months and deepen my study and take all of my sales and marketing and business strategy off the table to just really work on myself, putting myself first. Lauren: That was a big, big part of it. And being open to the miracles, you know I think when we're healing and we're trying to take care of our bodies, my body was so sick and it felt, you know, so hopeless, but at some point I needed to be able to trust and listen and be aware of like the signs and the synchronicities that were coming to me that were giving me opportunities. And yeah, just a little bit at a time, you know, one step at a time slowly seeing, like following the curiosity, I think that's a big thing for surrendering is trusting that like you can surrender and be like, all right, I surrender. It is what it is, you know, and just really sulk in your misery essentially. But this isn't really what surrender is. Surrender is about trusting your inner knowing to guide you in movement and to take accountability and take action. Lauren: So showing up for yourself with the fullest belief that your prayers will be realized and trusting what comes to you in that process, like the invitations to sit with certain plant medicines or the book that had the big breakthroughs for me that just showed up on a shelf one day, you know, like just trusting what's in front of you and being a real listener and a, a real open conduit for the divine or for sacred source universal knowledge as it comes to you. So, yeah, I don't know if that makes sense, but it's kind of, you know, a little, both you're, you're letting go and giving up control, but you're also showing up and finding the balance between those two. That's beautiful for surrender for me, what surrenders looked like recently, and it's been my, Sidney: My big lesson, I'd say in the past couple months for a long time, I've been, I've been trying to heal, heal heel heal. So I've been reaching out, reaching out to all these external things, right? So it's like, you know, do this modality, this modality, this modality, this modality, you know, for heel heel, he, of my body. And yeah, it got me, they all helped right. On some level, but my most recent message from the divine was you have to let go, you have to just surrender and stop trying to control it all because it's just gonna happen without anything to do with you. And so that's what my surrender has looked like for me is just trust and let go. So I stopped looking at my numbers recently. I just let it go. And I was wondering if in your healing journey, did you have, you know, you, you said you had a rash all over your body, like, did you just, you were in so much pain. Were you just like, what else can I do? What else can I do? Was there ever a point where you had to just let go or, Lauren: Yeah. So I think that, oh, there's so much coming through on this topic. Can I speak freely? Absolutely. Sidney: Okay. Who, Lauren: So we are very much conditioned in this society to be problem solvers. It's this deep programming that exists within us from a number of different things, ancestral lineage, you know, like so many of our lines, if we go back and think about how our grandmothers lived or how their parents lived, or, you know, there's like this root of suffering that kind of moves through us today because of what our families have carried. It's also true that we are big problem solvers and it's programming for us because we've been through so many difficult things in our lives, especially as young children. And that's a big element of what the root of the heal program is, right? Because both of these things, ancestral trauma, childhood trauma, right? These are things that start to make us believe that we are not safe. That there's always something that we have to fix. Lauren: And so as we grow up, we develop this really there's a shadow and a light side to everything, right. You know, there's a beautiful light to being an advocate for your empowerment and to solve problems and to achieve and fix. But there's also this destructive shadow where if we become so obsessed with fixing the physical, external reality, we forget or dismiss what's actually going on internally, that is creating that, you know, and we get, so we go, oh, the numbers, oh, the numbers. Oh, the numbers. And we're just looking at that. Or we go, oh, the skin rash, the skin rash this. And we just focus on that. Right. And what's actually really happening if we surrender and we go inward and we really look at ourselves, we can start to explore what internally is illuminating this issue, you know, skin on fire rash, right? Lauren: Like that was a big symptom for me. And I think, you know, I imagine you have a lot of women who go through health difficulties listening to the podcast. I assume, you know, cuz we attract such an old version of ourselves, you know? What, because of our fight or flight, because of our ancestral, carryings because of our childhood trauma. When these things start to happen, we see them as problems we are trying to solve. But really what's actually happening is the 3d world is illuminating to us a dysfunction that exists internally. Does that make sense? Yeah. So surrendering is about being able when you're on your healing path, whether you are healing your body or finances, your relationships or all of these things, it's about seeing that dysfunction externally and saying, okay, what is going on within me that creating these issues because these are not problems to be solved. Lauren: They are symptoms, they are alerts. They are radio signals of what's happening here. That needs to be fixed. And oftentimes one of the biggest things is the trauma. It's like, what, what have you carried in your life that has created certain belief systems for you that is now being illuminated to you as something you need to continue to heal because that part of you has not been integrated properly. So we're going back and looking at things like, what are the things that I didn't integrate properly? And so when my skin on fire rash happened, like I, this is such a good conversation and I'm like loving this. I'm like, no weird with you. When that thing happened, I spent so much time like a girl, I was, did you read all the books? Were you like researching constantly and like trying to, oh my God. Yeah. Lauren: I, I read like, did you read the medical medium books? Was that like a big thing for you? Part of them? Yes. <Laugh> like everything, girl. I tried everything. <Laugh> like coffee. I'm cool. Let's do acupuncture. Yeah. Let's, you know, sweat, like I'm gonna sit in a sauna. Okay. Like yeah. You start to like seeing these tools and like <affirmative> quite honestly, I think what that's all about is the universe is trying to like, when did, when did your kidney thing happen? What year? November, 2019. Yeah. So this is also something very interesting to pay attention to collectively, if you talk to people majority of them are gonna say 2018, 2019, like what else happened in the world during that time? Sidney: COVID <laugh> Lauren: Right. Yeah. So this is like a huge illumination, like on a global scale. Sidney: Totally, totally. Lauren: Right. It's all connected. It's all connected and so beautiful. And so many people are like looking at it from this suffering perspective cuz they're so wrapped up in the physical and then we're over here and we're like, like those people are like, the world is so terrible and oh my God, it's so scary. And like they're, they're in the deep perspective of looking at the 3d us. We, we start with just us and we're like, yeah, that's going on in the world. But I'm like dying over here. You know what I mean? Likely like, so anyway, Sidney: COVID never even phased me like at all. I'm like, oh yeah, we're in that though. Yeah. Like, Lauren: Yeah. Like I'm, I'm physically dying over here. Like this is yeah. So anyway, so part of what's happening for us is we're being initiated into a greater understanding of the sacred body and how to build relationships with it. And we're being put in these tests that teach us how to rewrite and so acupuncture that is now a tool that you didn't have before. Congratulations. That's awesome. When you heal completely and you're on the other side, you know, you have a tool for your off days or that tension in your neck, you know? And so we're just being initiated and the physical illnesses, everything has a deeper meaning. And when you find the meaning and you rewrite the meaning, it goes away. Mm. Sidney: So anyway, I like saying rewriting the meaning, the meaning that's whew. That's powerful. Lauren: What did you do, can I ask about what that means for you? Like when you started having all these things, like, what was the meaning versus like what it is now? Well, Sidney: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been, it's been a lot of things. I think in the beginning it was, it, well, it all, it all started off. It always is based around fear. So I mean, I was very afraid just of course, as a child, like I, everything scared me, snowman scared me, beard scared me. Like my whole family, I still joke about it. Like scared. Like I was just the most afraid little kid for whatever reason. And I would see spirits and, you know, so I had all that going on. And so I just really, I was very, very sensitive and I, I Pisces all day long. So I rebel against all of that and kind of went way into like drugs and alcohol and, you know, it's a very functioning alcoholic for a long time just to escape all of it. So, you know, I had lots of mental, you know, mental issues and emotional issues and a very challenged relationship with my mother and my father was an alcoholic. Sidney: So it was like, you know, it's a pretty storybook really for where I am today or where I was. And so when all of this happened, I hit, you know, it, it started with my infertility. It was probably my brick <laugh> infertility was my brick and then the kidney failure was my Boulder for sure. And so it all made sense and I just, you know, as it was all happening, I'm like, it's all about learning to get rid of the fear, learning to love myself, to heal old wounds to come into myself to find my power. Right. it, but you know, different seasons, I think since it's all happened, it's been about different things. So you know, and I've done a lot of deep work. I've done a lot of trauma work. I think that's really fascinating. And before we started recording, you did a confirma, you confirmed the plant medicine thing for me because I've wanted to go so much deeper. And I haven't known how, you know, I mean, I've had the training, I've read the books, I've done the seminars I've done, I've done so much work. You know, I've even started the business. I've even started to put stuff out there, you know, and it's like, I'm so ready to go deeper. And I'm so excited <laugh> that we get to have you plant medicine conversations after this, just throwing out there. But, well, Lauren: I mean, we can also dive into it here, if you feel like that's something that would be beneficial to talk about in the recording, because I think it's something that I have become very known for in this space. You know, the awareness that yes, like I channeled, I channeled a healing process through the medicine, right? Like that's, that's an element that I don't often talk about is that like this 12 step method and this process I, when I was on the other side, so, okay. Can I, can I share something with you a little bit more about my narrative that I think's important to this dialogue? Cool. This, I hope that we sink in as long as we need to, cuz this is so fun. Sidney: <Laugh> Lauren: Oh my God. It's so nourishing for me, cuz like I just got back from a big ceremony, sit this weekend and I'm my, my card and message that I pulled for that prayer. And I am a guardian now, right? That's something I wanna speak to too. Like in these places of medicine I'm assisting, right. I'm not just in it to receive it, but a deep prayer of mine to help people and bring people to the medicine because it was huge for me. I was sitting with combo medicine for a really long time. The combo is this tree frog of the jungle. And it's a medicine that actually Iowas and GLIs people who have been sitting with the medicine indigenous tribes for years, they were sitting with just iowaska. And then the white man came and all this illness just branched out. Lauren: People were getting sick, weird things. Right. Kind of what's happening now. Right, right, right. All of these like spiritual souls that are, you know, lineages of in ancestral in, in past lives, you know, like we're all just around the world now in anyway, I'll come back to this cause that's, I'm right there with you though, but <laugh> while, oh my God. OK. So I was really sick. My body was failing me. I went to Sedona on a girls' trip that I had on my schedule. I couldn't couldn. I couldn't miss it. I was like, I I'm healthy enough to do this, but guy, dude, I, I threw up on the plane. Like I, my body was so sick. Flying was really challenging for me, but I got myself there and I had been on at the time I was on five different antibiotics for parasites and the rash and what else? Lauren: The fatigue, like I didn't, wasn't taking medication for that, but I had all these Lyme disease bacterias I had, I got diagnosed, found out I had Lyme BIA Brelia AOSIS, which are all these co-infections that are actually government made. There's a whole dialogue around that if anybody needs to know more or but yeah, so I went to this girls trip and we had all sat with iowaska together once and we were coming back and you know, talking we're now like so deep in our spirituality and all this study. And every time we come together, some big explosion of magic happens after. And we were there and my friend KA A's and Ken, she said oh, there's this guy in town that serves combo. And I think it would be really good for you because I was having huge health issues. And I sat and I got this message from spirit. Lauren: You asked me about surrendering in the medicine. I sat at the front and I was like, let's do this. And combo is a body med this in. And all these tribes, when they got sick, they found a combo like spirit that gave them this message: go to the jungle, get this frog, take the milk off the back of the frog, burn your skin and put medicine on your skin. And that's what they did. And all the, everybody started healing. And so this medicine has been known to heal aids. It's been known to heal cancer. It's been blood issues like the miracles that exist behind this medicine. So profound, but it's not just because it is a detoxifier of the body. It's because it's also a spirit and it has a really strong message. And it's here. When you work with it in a spiritual way, it's here to transform your entire energy. Lauren: So I did this one sit and I got this message from spirit. She said, you need to come back here and you need to stay for a long time. And I was like, I can't do that. I have three dogs. I have my husband. We own a home. My finances are like that, are you serious? I can't do something like that. And I had a launch coming up and I was like, all right, spirit, if I'm meant to do this, make this launch really big, totally detached. Make the launch really big. And I'll go. And the first day of our open cart, we did the amount of money that we used to do in an entire five day launch. I made $126,000 in a day. And I was like, what the? And I fell to my knees. Sobbed told my husband, got him on word, went to Sedona and sat with combo 50 times. Lauren: Like I started self-serving medicine. I started serving other people with medicine. It is now at the center of my altar. Wow. Anyway, I don't know. I'm so sorry. I'm talking so much perfectly. But the plant has been huge and I had this purge, this experience after studying for so long, I was in my prayers, in my medicine. I was trying to purge something that was happening. Cuz that's what the medicine does. It makes you purge like you'll poop or you'll vomit or both, and it's getting something out of your body. That's not supposed to be there. So super cool. So yeah, so they just kept doing that. And one day Lyme disease was gone and I heard that message and all my symptoms went away and I never had them ever since it's a true miracle. And Iowa, Alaska told me that I was going to take what I had learned through these medicines and design a program. So I went into prayer one day and I channeled it. And that's what the heal program is today. It's like a birthing process. That was not mine. Right. It was given to me. So yeah. That's, that's the story. Let's what do you Sidney: Meaning I can just tell you that I feel like lights are going on all around my room. I have chills. Like it's like Sydney, this is your answer. I <laugh>, this is so just for me. So I'm glad other people get to listen, but this is Lauren: Totally for me. <Laugh> everybody. This is great, Sidney: Everybody. And definitely for me yeah, it's a, it's like, I've been really the past week. I've just been really like, what is it, what am I supposed to do, what do I need to do? There's something to take me to the next level. I don't know what it is. I've dug into everything. And plant medicine keeps coming up and up and up in my intuition, but I keep thinking it's not safe for my kidneys. What if it's not safe for my kidneys? You know? And no one, I haven't known who to talk to about that. Lauren: You wanna talk to somebody who serves the medicine about that, right. And see how, see how you feel in that dialogue. Yeah. Guys, like, you know, just as just an example, I have a friend right now she's seven months pregnant and she's a guardian and she sits with the medicine and she's pregnant. And she has this, knowing that the medicine isn't for the baby. And the issue that we have with a lot of these things is they haven't been, you know, but your spirit has a knowing of what's right for you. And that's the first step of actually healing. Like what you're saying, when you say nobody can tell me if it's safe for me. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> yes, you, right. <Laugh> you know what I'm saying? Sidney: Exactly. Yeah. Is it Lauren: Really good to study? And I, I just wanna share one story that I think would be really helpful for you to hear that's coming through is like something we should talk about. I have a client right now. Her amazing sister will just call her D and she came to the medicine and her first sit was with me. And she is having a lot of body health issues and things like that. And in the medicine, she had a realization that she was molested at the age of three. And when you're telling me you're afraid of men with white beards, or you are, you had a lot of fear as a child, oftentimes that's because there was an experience where we didn't feel safe with a and, and, and it can look different. It can be like a little boy bullied you at the park and you were six and it likes you up. Lauren: You know what I mean? It's traumatic then. So part of like, part of this medicine is that it removes a lot of the ego based block that we operate in to really go in and navigate. And so I think that when you know how to heal, you can be somebody who sits in medicine and is not navigating. Right. Cause integration's the most important part, like what you do with that information. But, or you can be somebody that actually likes to use it to change their life. And I like the second one. <Laugh> <laugh> what we're all doing, so, right. Yeah. Okay. Where do we go from here, sister? What do you wanna talk about? Oh my gosh. Sidney: I Don, I I wanna share what's coming up for me is that, you know, I said in the beginning of this episode, how I feel so connected to you and we've been through some of the same things and I've been look like reading through lots of your posts and going back to even stuff that you'd posted before, you know, before I found you and I'm like, man, she's just, I love where she is right now. She's where I see where you were and I see where you are. And I was, I'm like, you know, what did she do to get there? You know? And I just love that this, this plant medicine seriously, I mean, what's coming through for me right now is like, Sydney, you've gotta do plant medicine. Like, this is what you need. And I'm just very excited that that makes sense for me right now. Lauren: Yeah. It's making sense for a lot of people in this day and age, because I think that the old way has not been a solution. You know, it's, it's like we develop awareness from the books we read and we have sort of these experiences with meditation every once in a while. And you know, like we're not grounded into our spiritual reality and it's one of the most important dynamics to functioning well in the world is having a deep, spiritual connection. Whatever that looks like for you. Right? Right. Like it's different for everyone. And I think the call to go and sit with the plants is because a lot of us just a, a spiritual perspective on this that may or may not be forever everybody. But I think it's a really powerful perspective to have our mother earth who we're connected to everything. Lauren: Right. We've established that <laugh> right. Everything is us. We are the universe. We are the earth. And like, the earth is really sick right now. Yes. Like on a physical level, like their one, my earliest iowaska ceremonies was me crying for the earth and feeling it was a ceremony where I was the earth and I felt her oceans and I felt her jungles and I felt her volcanoes. And it was like, oh my God. And the earth right now needs healing, which means that we need more people to be in respect of her. And that was one of the biggest things that changed for me was when I started to respect myself because I was healing. And I started to respect the earth because I was sitting with such sacred medicine that was allowing me to do that. It was like, oh my God, I started to care for the earth more. Lauren: And I wouldn't use plastic bags and would start recycling and make compost on my property. And like, so this is all part of a greater plan. You know, everything that's kind of moving through and we're drawn to the plants because the earth needs her allies and the plants are our allies. They're here to help us because when they teach us how to help ourselves, we then help the earth. So it's like mushrooms, iowaska, Bufo, and combo hop Anga. These are all medicines that are here to bring us back home. Right. And that's that first step of healing, trauma releasing, what's not ours letting go of old paradigms and stories like plant medicine is a modality to actually do that. Right. Not just aware of it. So right Sidney: There you go to actually do it. Lauren: Yes, yes. Not for every and not for everybody. Right. It takes a very brave person to like, sit with these medicines. It's scary. Yeah. The changes you get, you have no, you have no idea who you're gonna be on the other side, you know, so yeah. It's cool. Right. Sidney: This is good conversation. <Laugh> oh my God. I love it. Lauren: What do you, are there things that you wanna know about sitting with at all? I mean, I know we're, we're diving in, it's been an hour. If you feel called to wrap up, we could do that too, but I'm loving this <laugh> Sidney: I, well, I personally do know. I feel like I do know a lot about it, but what do you, what can you share with some of the listeners? Like, what are some of the, you know, what's the experience like? Lauren: Yeah. So for iowaska or for, for combo both <laugh> okay. Yeah, so combo is like a, is a body focused medicine. So the experience physically and the body is difficult. Like you use combo as a medicine that you, they call it a medicine of sovereignty. It purges, what no longer serves you and calls in what your heart really desires, right? So you purge and that's the whole point of the medicine is the frog. If you have to go in with a prayer and you say, well, what is my prayer? I'm here to purge this. I'm here to pur that maybe it's your fear of failure or your scarcity or your health issues, but you bring it. And when the medicine's on you and you're in prayer, you may get visions of certain experiences you've had in your life. You may yeah. Lauren: Get emotions, things that are trying to come out, they feel physical body shaking in certain areas of your body. And you communicate with that and ask, oh my God, my hips shaking crazy. What's in my hip? What is this? Right. Let me identify it. And as you're doing that, you're getting more nauseous and nauseous as you're working with the medicine and then you purch. And so it's that release of what doesn't serve you. You drink a lot of water beforehand and the frog kind of goes into your body and activates. You can feel heart racing, tingling, shaking, tons of nausea. Your face gets very puffy sometimes, you know, sounds amazing. <Laugh> get it. It's intense. Yeah, it's intense. But it can also be very gentle and very sacred. And yeah, so that's that, it's like a physical body experience in iowaska is different. Lauren: Iowaska is psychoactive. So it creates visions. Some people say trips, it's a vision, it's a sacred vision from spirit. And those things all mean something. And so you're, as you're getting these visions, you're studying it, you're working with it. You are asking it questions. You're talking to the spirit of ayahuasca while you're in this DMT activating experience. And DMT is a molecule that is created through this medicine work in your body. And it's also too, your body has the highest percentage of DMT in it, but when you're born and when you die, which are the most sacred moments of our life, right. They're the sense of being alive, birth and death. Right. So you're going to that really sacred creation place and you're healing. You bring a prayer every time and you do your work and it's amazing. Sidney: <Laugh> awesome. Lauren: Yeah. Sidney: How, if someone listening was interested in doing it I know it's a loaded question because it depends on where they are and where they wanna travel, but how would, what would you say to that? <Laugh> Lauren: Yeah, that's a good question. So my advice is to hold a strong prayer and to start immersing yourself in communities where you feel the most spiritual support, because oftentimes those are the places where these people are, and it's really good to hold that prayer. There are places that you can Google and look up and find outside of the United States. You know, Costa Rica has some really good options. Arrhythmia was where I went to start. I don't depend on what everybody's different and needs some, something different. So, you know, it really is a cure person by person basis, but yeah, holding that prayer and, and just being mindful that like, when you're ready for the medicine, it will appear, oftentimes you're invited, you know, something like that happens. So you can hold that prayer as well. But yeah, healing is our birthright. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, it is, it's our divine birthright and we need to embrace that inner tiger, like we've talked about and just roar it out and just fight for it and claim it, you know, like you're doing, you know, it's amazing. Yeah. Sidney: <Laugh> okay. So the truth is I wanna talk to you for like 14 hours, but <laugh>, I know, I know, I think this is a good time to end this. Oh my, yes. Well, thank you. So, so, so much for this. I know, I know this is this, honestly to me feels like the beginning of the next chapter of my life. Just this conversation. Yeah. Like I told you before, you know, today's been rough, I've been up since 2:30 AM with a screaming child, you know, and, and just, it's been a rough day and I was, you know, I was like, but I'm going to record this podcast today. And I feel so good right now. Like, I can't even tell you <laugh>, Lauren: I'm really happy to hear that it makes, yeah, it's an honor to have met you. Like, I hope we stay connected cuz this is, you're such a beautiful sister and like to have such an empowering, beautiful journey and anything I can do to support. I'm always here. Sidney: Oh yes. I feel the same. <Affirmative> so of course you're we're going to definitely stay in touch and we will do a part two, one day. So yeah. Lauren: <Laugh> all right. Awesome. Sidney: Well, thank you guys for listening and I will catch you on the next episode. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode of My Inner TIger. Before you go, I have a free gift to offer you. If you're anything like me and struggle with overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety on a regular basis, I invite you to download my Freedom In Five Formula, where you'll discover how to change your state in less than five minutes. This is my beautiful gift to you and costs $0. So head on over to myinnertiger.com/freedom to download this now. Also, if you loved what you heard today, please rate and review this podcast on iTunes so I can keep the ball rolling. And finally, if you're not already, follow me on Instagram @myinnertiger for more juicy and fun inspiration. I can't wait to connect with you there. Now my dear friend, go out into this world and create some magic. I'll catch you in the next episode.


Episode 25 – Holiday Hacks Part 3: The Ideal New Year’s Resolution